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World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC)
2nd Annual Summit
Lausanne, Switzerland (November 11 - 21, 2009)
The ATLANTA DITC attended the World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC) Lausanne 2009 Summit (November 19-21, 2009) and made a presentation on November 21, 2009.

Visit of ATLANTA DITC's Brook Run Main Campus
Atlanta, USA (October 30, 2009)
"We are looking forward to Mr. James L. EASTON's visit of the ATLANTA DITC" says Ambassador Andrew YOUNG. Mr. James L. EASTON is also one of 9 USOC Board Members, and the former President of the Fédération Internationale de Tir à l’Arc / International Archery Federation (FITA)...

United States Senator Johnny ISAKSON
Atlanta, USA (October 15, 2009)
United States Senator Johnny ISAKSON continues to be a staunch supporter of the ATLANTA DITC. Senator ISAKSON will again support an ATLANTA DITC appropriation request.

Emory Sports Medicine Center
ATLANTA DITC's New Medical and Physical Therapy Partner
Atlanta, USA (September 25, 2009)
Leading to the London 2012 Olympic Games, the Emory Sports Medicine Center of Emory University will be providing state of the art sports medicine and a full scale of therapy services to athletes training with the ATLANTA DITC.

United States Congressman John LEWIS meets the ATLANTA DITC CEO and the COO
Atlanta, USA (September 1, 2009)
Congressman John LEWIS (Georgia’s 5th Congressional District) -- met with the ATLANTA DITC CEO and the COO. After a brief overview of ATLANTA DITC’s sponsored ATLANTA LEGACY NIGHT during the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, the discussion focused on the ATLANTA DITC Scholarship Appropriation that was part of the Omnibus Bill signed into law by President Bush on December 26, 2007 as well as Congressman John LEWIS sponsored ATLANTA DITC Infrastructure FY 2010 Appropriation request for the John H. Lewis SAC at Morris Brown Collegeused for the ATLANTA DITC Team Handball Program.

World Health Organization (WHO)
Invites ATLANTA DITC to a High-level Dialogue
Venice, Italy (June 21 - 24, 2009)
The World Health Organization (WHO) invited the ATLANTA DITC to attend a pre G8 Summit (to be held in L'Aquilla, Italy from 8 to 10 July 2009) High-level Dialogue on Maximizing Positive Synergies Between Health Systems and Global Health Initiatives. WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret CHAN gave the opening address. The two day meeting was held in Venice (Italy) attended by some 250 people including Ministers of Health from around the world, 19 African Ministries of Health, the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the World Bank, the Global Fund, GAVI, International NGOs, Universities, global health experts, and civil society.

Atlanta DeKalb International Prep Classic
The 6th Edition of the ATLANTA CLASSIC
Atlanta, USA (May 30, 2009)
The ATLANTA DITC hosted at the George C. Griffin Track on the campus of GA Tech the 6th Edition of the Atlanta DeKalb International Prep Classic (ATLANTA CLASSIC) with some of the top seeded US athletes in attendance. Since 2004, over 1600 athletes from 12 US States and 18 nations have competed at the ATLANTA CLASSIC.

ATLANTA DITC European Meeting Tour
IOC, WHO, ELU, UCBL1-CRIS, FILA, The Olympic Museum
Europe (May 10 - 21, 2009)
While in Europe, ATLANTA DITC representatives met: IOC President Chief of Staff and IOC Director of International Relations at The Château Vidy (Lausanne, Switzerland), WHO Assistant Director General at WHO Headquarters (Geneva, Switzerland), East London University Olympic Program Team (London, UK), Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (UCBL1) Resarch and Sports Innovation Center (CRIS) Team (Lyon, France), FILA President (Corsier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland), and attended at The OLYMPIC Museum (Lausanne, Switzerland) the opening of Jean-Blaise EVEQUOZ's art display.