ATLANTA 1996 :: The Legacy Institution of the Atlanta 1996 Centennial Olympic Games

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You have reached the ATLANTA 1996 official web site. Here we hope to inspire true passion in those striving to continue the legacy of the Atlanta 1996 Centennial Olympic Games.

Since 2002, over 2,000 athletes from 53 nations have competed and trained with ATLANTA 1996.

ATLANTA 1996 is a Member of the World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC) and represents the City of Atlanta at the WUOC.

Current News Newsletters


ATLANTA 1996 Board Member Amadou DIA BA
ATLANTA 1996 Board Member Amadou DIA BA

Carrying the Olympic Torch

Rio de Janeiro (August 2, 2016)

ATLANTA 1996 Board Member Amadou DIA BA carrying the Olympic Torch in Rio de Janeiro! Amadou DIA DA is Vice President of the World Olympian Association (WOA) and Member of the IOC Athletes Commission. Amadou is a retired Senegalese athlete...

THE FLAME features Atlanta's DITC
THE FLAME features Atlanta's DITC

Budapest, Hungary (October 1, 2006)