2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 1996

World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC)
Lausanne Summit - Beijing 2010
Beijing, China (October 14 - 16, 2010)
The ATLANTA DITC represented Atlanta Mayor Kasim REED and the City of Atlanta at the 3rd Lausanne Summit-Beijing 2012 of the World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC). The Lausanne Summit-Beijing 2010 was organized by the City of Lausanne, the Olympic Capital and the City of Beijing host of the XXIX Olympiad.

Sign Agreement
Atlanta, USA (September 21, 2010)
Georgia Perimeter College and the Atlanta Dekalb International Training Center (ATLANTA DITC): A Living Legacy of the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games have entered into an agreement for the college to provide education resources for athletes from around the world training for national and international competitions, and the Olympic Games.

Congratulations to ATLANTA DITC Co-Founder Prince Albert II of MONACO
On the Announcement of his Engagement
Monaco, Principality of Monaco (June 23, 2010)
ATLANTA DITC Co-Chairs, Ambassador Andrew Young and Dr. Marc-Daniel GUTEKUNST, and the ATLANTA DITC Team congratulate...

ATLANTA DITC Celebrates its 8th Anniversary
May 6, 2002 - May 6, 2010
Atlanta, USA (May 6, 2010)
On May 6, 2002, Ambassador Andrew YOUNG inaugurated the ATLANTA DITC: The Living Legacy of the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games. Eight years later, 1855 athletes from 34 nations trained and competed with the ATLANTA DITC.
World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC)
WUOC President Visits Atlanta
Atlanta, USA (May 5 - 7, 2010)
During a 3 days Atlanta visit, WUOC President Mayor Daniel BRELAZ meets Atlanta Mayor Kasim REED, visit the ATLANTA DITC campus at Brook Run, meets some of the ATLANTA DITC Institutional Partners, and celebrates the 8th Anniversary of the ATLANTA DITC.

2010 Vancouver Olympic Games
Since the Atlanta 1996 Olympic Games this was the 7th Olympic Games for the ATLANTA DITC Team
Vancouver, Canada (February 12 - 15, 2010)
The ATLANTA DITC Team was glad to attend the beginning of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games.

New Headquarters and General Counsel
Atlanta, USA (January 5, 2010)
Alston & Bird LLP is providing the ATLANTA DITC its new corporate headquarters while James G. FARRIS, Jr. Esq. with Alston & Bird will serve as General Counsel to the ATLANTA DITC and Forging New Tomorrows, Inc. (FNT).