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5 DITC Founding Countries Meet in Paris
Paris, France (December 16, 2002)
Meeting with the representatives of DITC founding countries of Sao Tome & Principe (Consul Jean-Pierre BENSAID), Rwanda (Ignace BERAHO), Eritrea (1st Secretary of the Embassy of Eritrea to France), Madagascar (Dr. M. HAMID), and the Seychelles (Seychelles Ambassador Callixte d'OFFAY to France and the EU). Were present at the meeting DITC Board Member and FNT Europe President, Yves CARRIERE, FNT Europe Treasurer, Ms. ;Hélène DEANO, FNT Board Member and FNT West Africa President (Dakar, Senegal), Mr. Birame THIAM, and Dr Marc Daniel GUTEKUNST.

Miami, USA (October 20, 2002)
World Olympians Association - Office of the Americas Gala with Prince Albert of MONACO. While in Miami USOC President Marty MANKAMYER met with Prince Albert of MONACO and Dr. Marc Daniel GUTEKUNST to discuss a timely recognition of the DITC by USOC.

USOC Atlanta Olympic Legacy Day
Atlanta, USA (August 11, 2002)
The DITC Team comprising of Ambassador Andrew YOUNG, Dr. Marc Daniel GUTEKUNST, Kelly JORDAN, Bryan HIRSCH, and Coach Dieudonné KWIZERA met with USOC CEO Lloyd WARD. WARD assured the DITC Team of a swift and exbiditious recognition of the DITC by USOC, and that he was looking forward to coming back to Atlanta.

Prince Albert of Monaco and Dr. Marc Daniel Gutekunst form the DITC
Atlanta, USA (May 6, 2002)
Prince Albert II of Monaco and Dr. Marc Daniel Gutekunst collaborated on bringing the DITC to reality. They have forged a magnificent program together that celebrates relationships, athletics, and peace. GO BEHIND THE DITC ››