2008 Beijing Olympic Games
The ATLANTA DITC Travels to Beijing
The Beijing National Stadium commonly referred to as the "Bird's Nest" is the site of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad.
Beijing, China (August 4 - 31, 2008)
The ATLANTA DITC will host a series of events and also participate at events including the following:
2008 Beijing Olympic Sport, Tourism & Development Forum
August 14, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Olympians Reunion Center at the Prince Jun Wang Fu Palace, Beijing, China
The event is organized by the United Nations Word Tourism Organization UNWTO ST-EP Foundation.
The panelists:
Rick ANTONSON, President & CEO, Vancouver Convention and Visitors Bureau
Joel BOUZOU, President, Peace and Sports
Maijd CHARKHASHT, Olympic Peace Messenger
Giovanni, di COLA, International Labor Office
Lisa DELPY, Faculty, George Washington University
Ambassador DHO Young-Shim, Chairman, UNWTO ST-EP Foundation
Dick FOSBURY, President, World Olympians Association (WOA)
HE Sheriff ML GOMEZ, Minister of Youth and Sports of The Gambia
Dr. Marc Daniel GUTEKUNST, Co-Chairman & CEO, Atlanta DeKalb International Training Center (ATLANTA DITC)
HRH Prince Feisal al HUSSEIN, President, Jordan Olympic Committee, Founder & President, Generations for Peace
Wilfried LEMKE, Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Khalid MALIK, Resident Coordinator, UNDP China
Tracy MATTES, Special Representative, UNWTO ST-EP Foundation
Samih MOUDALLAL, IOC Member, General Coordinator, Olympic Council of Asia (OCA)
OH Ji Chul, President, Korean National Tourism Organization
Don PORTER, President, International Softball Federation (ISF)
Keir RADNEDGE, Vice President, World Cup Football Analyst/Sportsfeatures.com
Stephen RUBIN, Chairman, Pentland Group Ltd
August 14, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Olympians Reunion Center at the Prince Jun Wang Fu Palace, Beijing, China
Prince Albert II of Monaco and Dr. Marc Daniel Gutekunst, ATLANTA DITC Co-Founders, hosted an evening of festivities along with Liston Bochette, Amadou Dia Ba, Josh Henson, Rob Stull, 4 ATLANTA DITC Board Members, Murray Sanford, ATLANTA DITC Sports Director, and Steve R. Allen, ATLANTA DITC Artist in Residency. The evening included a display of new artwork created by Steve R. ALLEN, USOC Olympic Artist and ATLANTA DITC Artist in Residency. The unveiling of the proposed plans of the ATLANTA DITC Sports Complex. The first "Peace & Reconciliation Through Sports and Education Awards (PARSE)" Ceremony also took place that evening. The PARSE Prize, a numbered painting by Steve R. Allen, was awarded by Dr. Marc Daniel Gutekunst to 6 recipients.
Please visit the DITC Olympic Art section of this website to view the latest paintings.
ATLANTA DITC donates to the Beijing 2008 Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games (BOCOG) and to the City of BEIJING an Olympic Painting "A Bridge of Friendship from Atlanta to Beijing" by Olympic Artist Steve R. ALLEN
August 26, 2008 at 5:00 p.m.
Location: Olympians Reunion Center at the Prince Jun Wang Fu Palace, Beijing, China
The ATLANTA DITC presented to the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG) and the City of Beijing a painting "A Bridge of Friendship from Atlanta to Beijing" specifically created by US Olympic Artist Steve R. Allen. The symbol of peace, sport and friendship was officially donated by the ATLANTA DITC to Mr. Zhou ZHENGBO from the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad.
HE Sam SULLIVAN Mayor of the City of Vancouver also attended the event. A similar gift will be made during Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games (February 12-28, 2010) to the City of Vancouver and the Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games (VANOC).
Please visit the DITC Olympic Art section of this website to view the latest paintings.
Cover design of the ATLANTA DITC pocket folder. It will be available at the ATLANTA DITC display in the Visa Olympians Reunion Center.