Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed
Debriefing the Mayor on the Lausanne Summit-Beijing 2010
(L to R) Dr. Marc-Daniel Gutekunst, ATLANTA DITC Co-Chair & CEO, HE Kasim Reed, Atlanta Mayor, Mr. Herb Edwards, ATLANTA DITC COO © ATLANTA DITC 2011
Atlanta, USA (January 6, 2011)
The ATLANTA DITC represented the City of Atlanta and Mayor Kasim Reed at the World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC) Lausanne Summit-Beijing 2010 held in Beijing, China (October 14-16, 2010).
Both Dr. Marc-Daniel Gutekunst, ATLANTA DITC Co-Chair & CEO, and Mr. Richard Butcher, ATLANTA DITC VP for Sport International Government Relations attended the Lausanne Summit-Beijing 2010.
Dr. Marc-Daniel Gutekunst and Mr. Herb Edwards, ATLANTA DITC COO debriefed ATLANTA Mayor Kasim Reed on the Lausanne Summit-Beijing 2010.
Mayor Kasim Reed also discussed with Dr. Marc-Daniel Gutekunst, and Mr. Herb Edwards the official mandate from the World Union of Olympic Cities (WUOC) to the ATLANTA DITC to establish and operate during the London 2012 Olympic Games the 1st ever WUOC House.
Mayor Kasim Reed Welcome to the Lausanne Summit-2010 Beijing