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Left:August 24, 2004, Handball match pitting Greece (27) against Croatia (33)
at the Helliniko Indoor
Center: August 27, 2004 around 7:30 p.m., a wonderful full moon during
the Finals of synchronized swimming at the Olympic Aquatic Center
Left: At the Peace & Friendship Stadium Marc Daniel GUTEKUNST (DITC) with his friend Bernard RAJZMAN (BRA) [a three-time ('76, '80, '84) Brazilian Volleyball Olympian who took Silver at the 1984 Games who was a one of the top volleyball players in the world in the late 70s and 80s] the night Brazil defeated the US volleyball team 75 to 56.


On August 27, 2004 from 19:30 to 20:36, the synchronized swimming venue was jam packed, next to Dr. GUTEKUNST sat the US Ambassador to Greece, the stars of the finals were definitely the Russian Team that took Gold despite the abrupt stop of the music a minute into their routine, the Spanish Team won Silver, and the US made a great comeback and finished 3rd.

In no time, with the Metro Dr. GUTEKUNST was at the Peace & Friendship Stadium to watch USA versus Brazil, sitting next to his friend, Mr. Bernard RAJZMAN, a 3 time ('76, '80 and '84) Brazilian Volleyball Olympian. Again the stadium was packed with fans cheering the Brazilian Team.


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